2113 State Route 31, Port Byron, New York 13140

Max 200.com

Performance Dog Equipment

Weave Wires 24 in.

Weave Wires 24″

Are you looking to train the weave poles using the chute method? These weave wires allow you to create a weave chute out of your Weave-A-Matic. Just  slide these wires over your existing poles. Weave wires are aluminum rods that connect to alternating poles to create a  chute to help guide your dog through the weave pole setup. Using this method you can guaranty proper entry from any angle or any direction.

24″ Weave wires slides over 1/2″ or 3/4″ poles.

Item Description Price
WW24 1 Weave Wires 24″ $26.00
WW244 4 Weave Wires 24″ $98.00
WW2410 10 Weave Wires 24″ $233.00

