2113 State Route 31, Port Byron, New York 13140

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Performance Dog Equipment

“Touch It!” Trainer Disk Only

“Touch It!” Electronic Nose Touch Trainer Disk Only

No longer do trainers have to depend on their ability to click the dog’s nose touch at the appropriate moment, the Touch It will do it for you! There are two parts to the Touch It Electronic Nose Touch Trainer: the Touch It pad (an aluminum disc that is 2 3/8″ in diameter) and an audible battery pack (3″W x 6″L x 2 1/8″H) that can be hidden under the contact obstacle.

The battery pack is powered by a 9-volt battery (not included). You connect the Touch It pad to the battery pack. When the dog nose touches the pad, the battery pack emits a beep. The Touch It pad uses the same audible battery pack as the Hit It Board, so if you own a Hit It Board you can opt to purchase just the Touch It pad and use your existing battery pack.

The Touch It works with the optional Hit It Light if you want to wean your dog from an audible sound. This purchase is for the Disk Only!

Item Description Prices
TID101 “Touch It!”© Electronic Nose Touch Trainer Disk Only $94.99



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SKU O-5040 Category