2113 State Route 31, Port Byron, New York 13140

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Performance Dog Equipment

Thunderstorm CD

Thunderstorm CD by Dean Lake

Is your dog afraid of thunderstorms? Used with counter conditioning techniques, This Thunderstorms CD can help your dog conquer his thunderstorm phobia. In addition, breeders can use this sound CD while raising litters of working puppies to help build their confidence with thunderstorm noises so they are less likely to be afraid as adults. Whatever your situation give your dog thundestorm confidence by using Thunderstorms desensitization techniques.

Directions are included with the CD This CD is 52 minutes long and contains two tracks of a thunderstorm passing by. This a natural, accurate, pure digital recording of a moderate storm with sounds of thunder and rain pattering on surfaces. The better the sound quality the more believable the experience, and the better the training.


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