2113 State Route 31, Port Byron, New York 13140

Max 200.com

Performance Dog Equipment

Folding Wood Ring Gates Full Set-Up

Folding Wood Full Ring Set-Ups

Use our portable ring gates to simulate actual competitive ring situations so your dog will know what to expect when you get to a show. Sections can be purchased individually or as a full ring. Gates are top-quality hardwoods.

Available either painted (white) or unpainted (natural).

Wood Stanchions are made of 1/2″ premium plywood panel with a 14 1/2″ wide base for good stability, available in painted (red, dark blue, light blue, dark green, light green, teal or purple or unpainted (natural.)

Plastic Stanchions are made from the same plastic wood as our obedience jumps, these stanchions never need painting and are available in white, red, blue, yellow, green, teal or purple.

Item Description Price
R925 Unpainted Gates & Unpainted Stanchions $1199.99
R926 Unpainted Gates & Painted Stanchions $1249.99
R927 White Painted Gates & Unpainted Stanchions $1399.00
R928 White Painted Gates & Painted Stanchions $1499.00
R930 White Painted Gates & Colored Plastic Stanchions $1499.00

Note: This item is over-sized and additional shipping charges will apply. Shipping estimates obtained by calling or emailing the office.
