2113 State Route 31, Port Byron, New York 13140

Max 200.com

Performance Dog Equipment

Adjustable Dog Walk 8′ or 12′

Adjustable Dog Walk 8′ or 12′

The bases of our dog walk are aluminum. The aluminum bases are lightweight, never need painting, and won’t rust. Each base folds up flat for easy transportation and storage. By adjusting the chain that connects the legs of the dog walk bases, you can set the height of the middle plank at regulation height or at any lower height down to only inches off the ground for training purposes.

The dog walk complete with aluminum planks. The substructure of the plank is a custom box channel aluminum. For the final running surface, the surface is skinned with granulated rubber (Wet Pour Method). Additionally, our planks comes as a solid 8′ or 12′ section or two 6′ sections (split) joined in the middle for easier transportability and storage. The middle plank comes with hinges for attaching it to the bases and the up and down ramps.

Painting Color Choices:
Red, Blue, Green, Purple, with Yellow contact zones.

Item Description Price
8 Foot Dog Walk
DOG WALK 8′ Solid Plank- alumaskin/rubber Without Slats $1400.00
DOG WALK 8′ Solid Plank- alumaskin/rubber w/slats $1440.00
12 Foot Dog Walk
DOG WALK 12′ Solid Plank- alumaskin/rubber Without Slats $1785.00
DOG WALK 12′ Solid Plank- alumaskin/rubber w/slats $1835.00
DOG WALK 12′ Split Plank-alumaskin/rubber Without Slats $1885.00
DOG WALK 12′ Split Plank-alumaskin/rubber w/slats $1935.00

***Click Here to purchase Planks separately***
UPS will only ship up to 150 pounds.

Please Contact Us for Shipping on the Dog Walk!

Email us at: sales@max200.com
Contact us toll free at (800) 446-2920 if you need accurate shipping fees

Note: This item is over-sized and additional shipping charges will apply. Shipping estimates obtained by calling or emailing the office.

Please allow 8 – 12 weeks for the delivery.
